Catch Up Quickly by Jumping In
Starting a new job or being assigned a new task at work can be overwhelming, especially when you need to learn something new. It can be challenging to catch up quickly and feel confident in your ability to perform well. However, the good news is that everyone has to learn something new at some point. Dive in and ask questions with polite confidence when learning something new at work. Even if your colleagues are busy, it’s the best thing for them, and you, if you have a starting place to put new knowledge in action.
When you are learning something new, do not be afraid to ask for clarification. If you are confused about a work process or do not understand the terminology being used, ask your colleague or supervisor to clarify. You can also ask them to show you how to do something. Being open about your lack of understanding can help you learn much quicker. The more questions you ask, the more you will understand.
Visual aids can be especially helpful because most of us scan pages quickly. Instead of just reading and listening to instructions, try to find a visual representation of the work process. If you can, ask a colleague to demonstrate the process for you while you are taking notes. Alternatively, you can watch videos online about the topic you’re trying to learn or record an online training session. Having a visual guide can help you retain information better.
The best way to catch up quickly when learning something new is to put the most fundamental aspects into an actual work product. The more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you will become. If possible, try to get hands-on experience with the process or task you are trying to learn. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, as they can often be the best learning opportunities.
When you are learning something new, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Make sure to get to work and focus on the most important aspects first. Asking your colleagues direct questions in the context of your actual workload may make them more comfortable with the process of helping to train you, also. One way to do this is to break down the process into smaller, more manageable tasks. This way, you will be able to tackle each task in a more structured and organized manner, rather than feeling like you are taking on a large, daunting project.
Taking breaks will help you process the information you have learned. After all, the brain is a muscle too, requiring energy, and processes that are part of short-term memory don’t become part of long-term knowledge instantly. Make sure to take regular, short breaks. Doing so will help prevent burnout and allow you to come back better focused and prepared.
The key takeaways are to be open to asking for help, to use visual aids that you believe will personally help you, to practice with actual work assignments, and to take breaks and avoid burnout. Remember, do not feel embarrassed if you know less than your colleagues at this point. Once you make it past this hurdle, you will begin to be an expert on your desired skill as well. So even if you feel teased or harassed, don’t let it slow down your learning process or destroy your self-confidence. Tomorrow is another day to shine.